Gabriel Perez Silva


Gabriel Perez SilvaPhotography


Currently Resides In

Los Angeles / New York






Street Style







Born in Cucuta, Colombia and grew up in South Florida's cultural melting pot. Initially Perez Silva was an award winning swimmer for Colombia's National Team but would undergo major surgery which would kick start his artistic career. In the past few years Perez Silva has worked and resided in Miami, Italy, and now NYC. Perez Silva is also an avid surfer, a mens fashion connoisseur, and activist, more specifically working closely with Scoliosis Foundation Ghana. At times he also gets the opportunity to step in front of the camera in forms of brand partnerships and much more. He hopes his story, and art can inspire others to pursue what they love. His work and story have been featured in many publications such as Vogue, The Cut and many more.

PhotographyGuest User(NYC), (LA)